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Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics. Vol. 4 (2014) - Septem

Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics. Vol. 4 (2014)
Autor: Jaros
ISBN: 978-83-255-6583-1
stron: 169, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2014-01-01
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 99,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics. Vol. 4 (2014)

Tagi: Podr

This fourth volume of the Polish Yearbook of Law & Economics contains a collection of articles selected, following a separate review process, from papers delivered at the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), which took place at the University of Warsaw on September 26-28, 2013. More than 200 scholars from 25 countries were participants of this Conference organised by the Polish Association of Law & Economics (PSEAP) in cooperation with the Centre for Economic Analyses of Public Sector (CEAPS) at Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw, as well as Warsaw School of Economics.

"The yearbook shows how contemporary Law and Economics is bringing theory towards an impressive diversity of topics. The analysis of the relationship between law and contemporary economics is a rapidly expanding subject in Europe and the Polish Association is a very significant part of this European dynamism, as illustrated by the debate on Regulatory Impact Assessment including some of the best European specialists invited by the Association. Law and legal institutions are known to have a profound impact on the economy and, at the same time, to be deeply influenced by it. The yearbook provides a clear overview of this two-way relationship in a manner that is accessible and interesting to economists and lawyers alike."

Prof. Bruno Deffains, Universit

Dodaj do koszyka Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics. Vol. 4 (2014)


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Dodaj do koszyka Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics. Vol. 4 (2014)

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