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Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective - Septem

Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective
Autor: Janusz Wi
ISBN: 9788365817242
stron: 196, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2022-05-12
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 16,00 zł (poprzednio: 20,00 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-4,00 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective

Tagi: Inne | Og | Polityka | Pozosta

This work presents an outline of the institutional and substantive aspects of political science research and teaching at academic centres in Anglo-Saxon, German and Russian cultural spaces. In three chapters, it gives an insight into the present condition and prospects for the development of political science in Great Britain, Germany, and the Russian Federation, with some background history and description of the academic environment in these countries.

Dodaj do koszyka Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective


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Dodaj do koszyka Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective

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Dodaj do koszyka Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective

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