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Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition - Septem

Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition
Autor: Ahmad Osama
Tytuł oryginału: Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition
ISBN: 9781789804188
stron: 562, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-07-19
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 139,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition

Tagi: Programowanie w chmurze

Despite being the cloud version of SQL Server, Azure SQL Database differs in key ways when it comes to management, maintenance, and administration. This book shows you how to administer Azure SQL database to fully benefit from its wide range of features and functionality.

Professional Azure SQL Database Administration begins by covering the architecture and explaining the difference between Azure SQL Database and the on-premise SQL Server to help you get comfortable with Azure SQL database. You'll perform common tasks such as migrating, backing up, and restoring a SQL Server database to an Azure database. As you progress, you'll study how you can save costs and manage and scale multiple SQL Databases using elastic pools. You'll also implement a disaster recovery solution using standard and active geo-replication. Whether it is learning different techniques to monitor and tune an Azure SQL database or improving performance using in-memory technology, this book will enable you to make the most out of Azure SQL database features and functionality for data management solutions.

By the end of this book, you'll be well versed with key aspects of an Azure SQL database instance, such as migration, backup restorations, performance optimization, high availability, and disaster recovery.

Dodaj do koszyka Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition


Osoby które kupowały "Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition", wybierały także:

  • Microsoft Azure. Kurs video. Zosta
  • Windows Azure. Wprowadzenie do programowania w chmurze
  • Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarz
  • Najlepsze praktyki w Kubernetes. Jak budowa
  • Kubernetes - rozwi

Dodaj do koszyka Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition

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Dodaj do koszyka Professional Azure SQL Database Administration - Second Edition

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