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Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business - Septem

Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business
Autor: Arunkumar Krishnakumar
Tytuł oryginału: Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business
ISBN: 9781838646134
stron: 334, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-03-31
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business

Tagi: Big data | Kryptografia | Python

Are quantum computing and Blockchain on a collision course or will they be the most important trends of this decade to disrupt industries and life as we know it?

Fintech veteran and venture capitalist Arunkumar Krishnakumar cuts through the hype to bring us a first-hand look into how quantum computing and Blockchain together are redefining industries, including fintech, healthcare, and research. Through a series of interviews with domain experts, he also explores these technologies' potential to transform national and global governance and policies - from how elections are conducted and how smart cities can be designed and optimized for the environment, to what cyberwarfare enabled by quantum cryptography might look like. In doing so, he also highlights challenges that these technologies have to overcome to go mainstream.

Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business explores the potential changes that quantum computing and Blockchain might bring about in the real world. After expanding on the key concepts and techniques, such as applied cryptography, qubits, and digital annealing, that underpin quantum computing and Blockchain, the book dives into how major industries will be impacted by these technologies. Lastly, we consider how the two technologies may come together in a complimentary way.

Dodaj do koszyka Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business


Osoby które kupowały "Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business", wybierały także:

  • Excel 2016 PL. Biblia
  • Naczelny Algorytm. Jak jego odkrycie zmieni nasz
  • Google Analytics. Integracja i analiza danych
  • Big Data. Najlepsze praktyki budowy skalowalnych system
  • Spark. Zaawansowana analiza danych

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