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R Machine Learning Projects - Septem

R Machine Learning Projects
Autor: Dr. Sunil Kumar Chinnamgari
Tytuł oryginału: R Machine Learning Projects
ISBN: 9781789806090
stron: 334, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-01-14
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka R Machine Learning Projects

Tagi: Big data | Programowanie | Uczenie maszynowe

R is one of the most popular languages when it comes to performing computational statistics (statistical computing) easily and exploring the mathematical side of machine learning. With this book, you will leverage the R ecosystem to build efficient machine learning applications that carry out intelligent tasks within your organization.

This book will help you test your knowledge and skills, guiding you on how to build easily through to complex machine learning projects. You will first learn how to build powerful machine learning models with ensembles to predict employee attrition. Next, you'll implement a joke recommendation engine and learn how to perform sentiment analysis on Amazon reviews. You'll also explore different clustering techniques to segment customers using wholesale data. In addition to this, the book will get you acquainted with credit card fraud detection using autoencoders, and reinforcement learning to make predictions and win on a casino slot machine.

By the end of the book, you will be equipped to confidently perform complex tasks to build research and commercial projects for automated operations.

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Osoby które kupowały "R Machine Learning Projects", wybierały także:

  • Excel 2016 PL. Biblia
  • Naczelny Algorytm. Jak jego odkrycie zmieni nasz
  • Google Analytics. Integracja i analiza danych
  • Big Data. Najlepsze praktyki budowy skalowalnych system
  • Spark. Zaawansowana analiza danych

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