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R Statistics Cookbook - Septem

R Statistics Cookbook
Autor: Francisco Juretig
Tytuł oryginału: R Statistics Cookbook
ISBN: 9781789802924
stron: 448, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-03-29
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 79,90 zł

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Tagi: Analiza danych | Inne

R is a popular programming language for developing statistical software. This book will be a useful guide to solving common and not-so-common challenges in statistics. With this book, you'll be equipped to confidently perform essential statistical procedures across your organization with the help of cutting-edge statistical tools.

You'll start by implementing data modeling, data analysis, and machine learning to solve real-world problems. You'll then understand how to work with nonparametric methods, mixed effects models, and hidden Markov models. This book contains recipes that will guide you in performing univariate and multivariate hypothesis tests, several regression techniques, and using robust techniques to minimize the impact of outliers in data.You'll also learn how to use the caret package for performing machine learning in R. Furthermore, this book will help you understand how to interpret charts and plots to get insights for better decision making.

By the end of this book, you will be able to apply your skills to statistical computations using R 3.5. You will also become well-versed with a wide array of statistical techniques in R that are extensively used in the data science industry.

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Osoby które kupowały "R Statistics Cookbook", wybierały także:

  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Algorytmy uczenia maszynowego
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Przetwarzanie i analiza danych
  • Power BI Desktop. Kurs video. Wykorzystanie narz
  • Korporacyjne jezioro danych. Wykorzystaj potencja
  • J

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