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RESTful Web APIs. Services for a Changing World - Septem

RESTful Web APIs. Services for a Changing World
Autor: Leonard Richardson, Mike Amundsen, Sam Ruby
ISBN: 978-14-493-5973-7
stron: 406, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-09-12
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 160,65 zł (poprzednio: 186,80 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-26,15 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka RESTful Web APIs. Services for a Changing World

Tagi: API | Web Design

The popularity of REST in recent years has led to tremendous growth in almost-RESTful APIs that don’t include many of the architecture’s benefits. With this practical guide, you’ll learn what it takes to design usable REST APIs that evolve over time. By focusing on solutions that cross a variety of domains, this book shows you how to create powerful and secure applications, using the tools designed for the world’s most successful distributed computing system: the World Wide Web.

You’ll explore the concepts behind REST, learn different strategies for creating hypermedia-based APIs, and then put everything together with a step-by-step guide to designing a RESTful Web API.

  • Examine API design strategies, including the collection pattern and pure hypermedia
  • Understand how hypermedia ties representations together into a coherent API
  • Discover how XMDP and ALPS profile formats can help you meet the Web API "semantic challenge"
  • Learn close to two-dozen standardized hypermedia data formats
  • Apply best practices for using HTTP in API implementations
  • Create Web APIs with the JSON-LD standard and other the Linked Data approaches
  • Understand the CoAP protocol for using REST in embedded systems

Dodaj do koszyka RESTful Web APIs. Services for a Changing World


Osoby które kupowały "RESTful Web APIs. Services for a Changing World", wybierały także:

  • Nowoczesne API. Ewoluuj
  • REST. Najlepsze praktyki i wzorce w j
  • Interfejs API. Strategia programisty
  • Facebook Graph API. Tworzenie rozbudowanych rozwi
  • Java. Kompendium programisty. Wydanie XI

Dodaj do koszyka RESTful Web APIs. Services for a Changing World

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