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React Cookbook - Septem

React Cookbook
Autor: David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths
ISBN: 9781492085799
stron: 512, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-08-11
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 203,15 zł (poprzednio: 236,22 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-33,07 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka React Cookbook

Tagi: JavaScript | React

React helps you create and work on an app in just a few minutes. But learning how to put all the pieces together is hard. How do you validate a form? Or implement a complex multistep user action without writing messy code? How do you test your code? Make it reusable? Wire it to a backend? Keep it easy to understand? The React Cookbook delivers answers fast.

Many books teach you how to get started, understand the framework, or use a component library with React, but very few provide examples to help you solve particular problems. This easy-to-use cookbook includes the example code developers need to unravel the most common problems when using React, categorized by topic area and problem.

You'll learn how to:

  • Build a single-page application in React using a rich UI
  • Create progressive web applications that users can install and work with offline
  • Integrate with backend services such as REST and GraphQL
  • Automatically test for accessibility problems in your application
  • Secure applications with fingerprints and security tokens using WebAuthn
  • Deal with bugs and avoid common functional and performance problems

Dodaj do koszyka React Cookbook


Osoby które kupowały "React Cookbook", wybierały także:

  • Algorytmy i struktury danych. Kurs video. Java, JavaScript, Python
  • Baw si
  • Biblioteka jQuery. Sprawdzone wzorce projektowe
  • Unreal Engine. Nauka pisania gier dla kreatywnych
  • Programowanie dla pocz

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