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Redux Quick Start Guide - Septem

Redux Quick Start Guide
Autor: James Lee, Tao Wei, Suresh Kumar Mukhiya
Tytuł oryginału: Redux Quick Start Guide
ISBN: 9781789806342
stron: 204, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-02-28
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 94,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Redux Quick Start Guide

Tagi: Inne - Programowanie | JavaScript | Web Design

Starting with a detailed overview of Redux, we will follow the test-driven development (TDD) approach to develop single-page applications. We will set up JEST for testing and use JEST to test React, Redux, Redux-Sage, Reducers, and other components. We will then add important middleware and set up immutableJS in our application. We will use common data structures such as Map, List, Set, and OrderedList from the immutableJS framework. We will then add user interfaces using ReactJS, Redux-Form, and Ant Design.

We will explore the use of react-router-dom and its functions. We will create a list of routes that we will need in order to create our application, and explore routing on the server site and create the required routes for our application. We will then debug our application and integrate Redux Dev tools.

We will then set up our API server and create the API required for our application. We will dive into a modern approach to structuring our server site components in terms of Model, Controller, Helper functions, and utilities functions. We will explore the use of NodeJS with Express to build the REST API components. Finally, we will venture into the possibilities of extending the application for further research, including deployment and optimization.

Dodaj do koszyka Redux Quick Start Guide


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