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Rob Roy - Septem

Rob Roy
Autor: Walter Scott
ISBN: 9788381151832
stron: 541, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-02-26
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 19,92 zł (poprzednio: 24,59 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 19% (-4,67 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Rob Roy

Tagi: Sensacja

The protagonist in Rob Roy is Francis Osbaldistone not the title character! Francis a spoiled son of a rich London businessman,who would rather write poetry than work for his father. Sent to his uncles estate as punishment in northern England, bordering simmering Scotland. He soon becomes involved in a feud with his cousin Rashleigh (youngest and smartest of six brothers!). A woman Diana is the main reason.This being 1715 a revolt soon brakes out, Rashleigh steals important papers from Franciss father. If they arent recovered, the family will be ruined! Osbaldistone finally wakes up and seeks the help of Rob Roy. He is a notorious outlaw. The bloody conclusion occurs at Osbaldistone Hall.

Dodaj do koszyka Rob Roy


Osoby które kupowały "Rob Roy", wybierały także:

  • Portret zab 23,00 zÅ‚, (9,20 zÅ‚ -60%)
  • Noc 23,00 zÅ‚, (9,20 zÅ‚ -60%)
  • W milczeniu 23,00 zÅ‚, (10,35 zÅ‚ -55%)
  • Z 23,00 zÅ‚, (10,35 zÅ‚ -55%)
  • Cudowny dotyk 23,00 zÅ‚, (10,35 zÅ‚ -55%)

  • Portret zab
  • Noc
  • W milczeniu
  • Z
  • Cudowny dotyk

Dodaj do koszyka Rob Roy

Spis treści

Dodaj do koszyka Rob Roy

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