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Roxana - Septem

Autor: Daniel Defoe
ISBN: 978-83-822-6229-2
Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-02-05
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 10,47 zł (poprzednio: 12,93 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 19% (-2,46 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Roxana

Tagi: Kryminalna | Literatura pi | Romans

Roxana - a novel by Daniel Defoe, an English trader, writer and spy. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, which is claimed to be second only to the Bible in its number of translations.


Roxana is an example of the remarkable way in which Defoe seems to inhabit his fictional characters (yet "drawn from life"), despite the fact that they are women. Roxana, which narrates the moral and spiritual decline of a high society courtesan, differs from other Defoe works because the main character does not exhibit a conversion experience, even though she claims to be a penitent later in her life, at the time that she is relaying her story.


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Osoby które kupowały "Roxana", wybierały także:

  • Topielice 26,98 zÅ‚, (13,49 zÅ‚ -50%)
  • Drapie 26,98 zÅ‚, (13,49 zÅ‚ -50%)
  • Ch 26,98 zÅ‚, (13,49 zÅ‚ -50%)
  • Z 26,98 zÅ‚, (13,49 zÅ‚ -50%)
  • Bliska znajoma 27,98 zÅ‚, (15,39 zÅ‚ -45%)

  • Topielice
  • Drapie
  • Ch
  • Z
  • Bliska znajoma

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