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Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week - Septem

Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week
Autor: Xun (Brian) Wu, Sudarshan Kadambi, Devram Kandhare, Aaron Ploetz
Tytuł oryginału: Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week
ISBN: 978-17-871-2714-2
stron: 303, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-03-29
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 119,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week

Tagi: Analiza danych | Bazy danych | Big data

A beginner's guide to get you up and running with Cassandra, DynamoDB, HBase, InfluxDB, MongoDB, Neo4j, and Redis

Key Features

  • Covers the basics of 7 NoSQL databases and how they are used in the enterprises
  • Quick introduction to MongoDB, DynamoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Neo4j, InfluxDB, and HBase
  • Includes effective techniques for database querying and management

Book Description

This is the golden age of open source NoSQL databases. With enterprises having to work with large amounts of unstructured data and moving away from expensive monolithic architecture, the adoption of NoSQL databases is rapidly increasing. Being familiar with the popular NoSQL databases and knowing how to use them is a must for budding DBAs and developers.

This book introduces you to the different types of NoSQL databases and gets you started with seven of the most popular NoSQL databases used by enterprises today. We start off with a brief overview of what NoSQL databases are, followed by an explanation of why and when to use them. The book then covers the seven most popular databases in each of these categories: MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Redis, HBase, Cassandra, In?uxDB, and Neo4j. The book doesn't go into too much detail about each database but teaches

you enough to get started with them.

By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of the different NoSQL databases and their functionalities, empowering you to select and use the right

database according to your needs.

What you will learn

  • Understand how MongoDB provides high-performance, high-availability, and automatic scaling
  • Interact with your Neo4j instances via database queries, Python scripts, and Java application code
  • Get familiar with common querying and programming methods to interact with Redis
  • Study the different types of problems Cassandra can solve
  • Work with HBase components to support common operations such as creating tables and reading/writing data
  • Discover data models and work with CRUD operations using DynamoDB
  • Discover what makes In?uxDB a great choice for working with
  • time-series data

Who this book is for

If you are a budding DBA or a developer who wants to get started with the fundamentals of NoSQL databases, this book is for you. Relational DBAs who want to get insights into the various offerings of popular NoSQL databases will also find this book to be very useful.

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Osoby które kupowały "Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week", wybierały także:

  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Algorytmy uczenia maszynowego
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Przetwarzanie i analiza danych
  • Power BI Desktop. Kurs video. Wykorzystanie narz
  • Korporacyjne jezioro danych. Wykorzystaj potencja
  • J

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