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Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety. Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death. Second Edition - Septem

Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety. Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death. Second Edition
Autor: Krystyna Kujawi
ISBN: 978-83-814-2428-8
stron: 206, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-01-30
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 16,41 zł (poprzednio: 19,77 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 17% (-3,36 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety. Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death. Second Edition

Tagi: Sztuki teatralne i teatrologia | Teatr

The great asset of Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety is its wide historical and geographical range - that is, from the time of the Bard himself to the latest metamorphoses of meanings new electronic media made available. Every reader, depending on his/her age and prior experience with Shakespeare, is at a different moment of this great historical-theoretical continuum of world culture. Everyone can also begin one’s own intellectual journey through cultural history - any time, any place. [...] Despite the once popular but now outdated post-truths, history has not ended. This volume testifies to the benefits of combining historical perspective in its fairly elementary version, which is a linear sequence of events, with an in-depth analysis of the transformations in understanding, exhibiting, and using (appropriating) Shakespeare’s works in our rapidly changing reality.

Prof. Marta Wiszniowska-Majchrzyk

Dodaj do koszyka Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety. Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death. Second Edition


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Dodaj do koszyka Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety. Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death. Second Edition

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Dodaj do koszyka Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety. Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death. Second Edition

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