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Sociocultural Theory Second Language Learning - Oxford Applied Linguistics - Septem

Sociocultural Theory Second Language Learning - Oxford Applied Linguistics
Autor: Lantolf, James P.
ISBN: 978-01-944-2306-9
stron: 302, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-10-09
Ksi臋garnia: Septem

Cena ksi膮偶ki: 177,65 z艂 (poprzednio: 206,57 z艂)
Oszcz臋dzasz: 14% (-28,92 z艂)

Dodaj do koszyka Sociocultural Theory Second Language Learning - Oxford Applied Linguistics

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This book represents a major statement of the current research being conducted on the learning of second languages from a sociocultural perspective. The book is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. Specific topics covered include: learning and teaching languages in the zone of proximal development; L1 mediation in the acquisition of L2 grammar; sociocultural theory as a theory of second language learning; gestural mediation in a second language; and constructing a self through a second language.

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