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Software Architecture for Busy Developers - Septem

Software Architecture for Busy Developers
Autor: St
Tytuł oryginału: Software Architecture for Busy Developers
ISBN: 9781801079853
stron: 174, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-10-15
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 109,00 zł

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Tagi: Systemy operacyjne

Are you a seasoned developer who likes to add value to a project beyond just writing code? Have you realized that good development practices are not enough to make a project successful, and you now want to embrace the bigger picture in the IT landscape? If so, you're ready to become a software architect; someone who can deal with any IT stakeholder as well as add value to the numerous dimensions of software development.

The sheer volume of content on software architecture can be overwhelming, however. Software Architecture for Busy Developers is here to help. Written by St

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  • Sakai OAE Deployment and Management. Open Source Collaboration and Learning for Higher Education
  • Puppet Best Practices. Design Patterns for Maintainable Code
  • The Site Reliability Workbook. Practical Ways to Implement SRE
  • Prometheus: Up & Running. Infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring
  • Incident Management for Operations

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