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Software Engineering at Google. Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time - Septem

Software Engineering at Google. Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time
Autor: Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright
ISBN: 978-14-920-8274-3
stron: 602, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-02-28
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 203,15 zł (poprzednio: 236,22 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-33,07 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Software Engineering at Google. Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time

Tagi: Techniki programowania

Today, software engineers need to know not only how to program effectively but also how to develop proper engineering practices to make their codebase sustainable and healthy. This book emphasizes this difference between programming and software engineering.

How can software engineers manage a living codebase that evolves and responds to changing requirements and demands over the length of its life? Based on their experience at Google, software engineers Titus Winters and Hyrum Wright, along with technical writer Tom Manshreck, present a candid and insightful look at how some of the world’s leading practitioners construct and maintain software. This book covers Google’s unique engineering culture, processes, and tools and how these aspects contribute to the effectiveness of an engineering organization.

You’ll explore three fundamental principles that software organizations should keep in mind when designing, architecting, writing, and maintaining code:

  • How time affects the sustainability of software and how to make your code resilient over time
  • How scale affects the viability of software practices within an engineering organization
  • What trade-offs a typical engineer needs to make when evaluating design and development decisions

Dodaj do koszyka Software Engineering at Google. Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time


Osoby które kupowały "Software Engineering at Google. Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time", wybierały także:

  • In
  • Programowanie dla pocz
  • Analiza biznesowa. Praktyczne modelowanie organizacji
  • DDD dla architekt
  • Algorytmy

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