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Storybuilding - Resource Books for Teachers - Septem

Storybuilding - Resource Books for Teachers
Autor: Spiro, Jane
ISBN: 978-0-1944-2608-4
stron: 179, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-10-09
Ksi臋garnia: Septem

Cena ksi膮偶ki: 118,15 z艂 (poprzednio: 137,38 z艂)
Oszcz臋dzasz: 14% (-19,23 z艂)

Dodaj do koszyka Storybuilding - Resource Books for Teachers

Tagi: J臋zyki obce

This book offers a carefully-structured series of activities which, in a non-threatening way, guides learners to write their own stories. The range of language practised includes speaking and writing skills, tenses, descriptive adjectives, reporting verbs, direct speech, functions, discussion and argument, letters and diaries.

Dodaj do koszyka Storybuilding - Resource Books for Teachers


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