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Swift Cookbook - Second Edition - Septem

Swift Cookbook - Second Edition
Autor: Keith Moon, Chris Barker
Tytuł oryginału: Swift Cookbook - Second Edition
ISBN: 9781839210624
stron: 500, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-02-26
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Swift Cookbook - Second Edition

Tagi: Programowanie mobilne | Swift

Swift is an exciting, multi-platform, general-purpose programming language, and with this book, you'll explore the features of its latest version, Swift 5.3.

The book begins with an introduction to the basic building blocks of Swift 5.3, its syntax, and the functionalities of Swift constructs. You'll then discover how Swift Playgrounds provide an ideal platform to write, execute, and debug your Swift code. As you advance through the chapters, the book will show you how to bundle variables into tuples or sets, order your data with an array, store key-value pairs with dictionaries, and use property observers. You'll also get to grips with the decision-making and control structures in Swift, examine advanced features such as generics and operators, and explore functionalities outside of the standard library. Once you've learned how to build iOS applications using UIKit, you'll find out how to use Swift for server-side programming, run Swift on Linux, and investigate Vapor. Finally, you'll discover some of the newest features of Swift 5.3 using SwiftUI and Combine to build adaptive and reactive applications, and find out how to use Swift to build and integrate machine learning models along with Apple's Vision Framework.

By the end of this Swift book, you'll have discovered solutions to boost your productivity while developing code using Swift 5.3.

Dodaj do koszyka Swift Cookbook - Second Edition


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Dodaj do koszyka Swift Cookbook - Second Edition

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