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The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn - Septem

The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn
Autor: Mgr Magdalena Gruca
ISBN: 978-83-66884-62-5
Format: mp3
Data wydania: 2021-08-13
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 7,35 zł (poprzednio: 8,65 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-1,30 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn

Tagi: Bajki

Fenek and Max are spending their free time at a playground. It's really great! However, Fenek forgets about the principles of good behaviour, which ends up pretty badly. Will he be able to make up for his mistake?

Thanks to this book, you child will:

- will learn about the consequences of improper behaviour at a playground;

- will understand why it is necessary to wait calmly and patiently for his/her turn;

- will learn that if we misbehave, we ought to apologise and do our best to make up for the damage caused.

Fenek i Maks sp

Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn


Osoby które kupowały "The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn", wybierały także:

  • O
  • Wiersze dla dzieci. Cz
  • Wiersze dla dzieci
  • Pan Samochodzik i fa
  • Pan Samochodzik i przemytnicy

Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn

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Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. I always wait for my turn

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