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The Adventures of Fenek. Water is a treasure - Septem

The Adventures of Fenek. Water is a treasure
Autor: Mgr Magdalena Gruca
ISBN: 978-83-66884-69-4
Format: mp3
Data wydania: 2021-09-06
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 7,35 zł (poprzednio: 8,65 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-1,30 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. Water is a treasure

Tagi: Bajki

Does everyone in the world have enough water to drink? Are there taps in every house? Why should we save water? Fenek and his cousin Emilka will learn a lot of new things about how important water is.

Thanks to this book, your child will:

- learn that there are areas in the world that are suffering from a shortage of water;

- understand why it is necessary to preserve water;

- get to know the different ways of helping people who do not have sufficient access to clean water;

- learn to stay sensitive to the needs of others.

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Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. Water is a treasure


Osoby które kupowały "The Adventures of Fenek. Water is a treasure", wybierały także:

  • O
  • Wiersze dla dzieci. Cz
  • Wiersze dla dzieci
  • Pan Samochodzik i fa
  • Pan Samochodzik i przemytnicy

Dodaj do koszyka The Adventures of Fenek. Water is a treasure

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