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The Complete Edition - Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems - Septem

The Complete Edition - Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems
Autor: Jim Cooling
Tytuł oryginału: The Complete Edition - Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems
ISBN: 9781839213526
stron: 824, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-12-26
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 139,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka The Complete Edition - Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems

Tagi: Inne - Programowanie

From air traffic control systems to network multimedia systems, real-time systems are everywhere. The correctness of the real-time system depends on the physical instant and the logical results of the computations. This book provides an elaborate introduction to software engineering for real-time systems, including a range of activities and methods required to produce a great real-time system.

The book kicks off by describing real-time systems, their applications, and their impact on software design. You will learn the concepts of software and program design, as well as the different types of programming, software errors, and software life cycles, and how a multitasking structure benefits a system design.

Moving ahead, you will learn why diagrams and diagramming plays a critical role in the software development process. You will practice documenting code-related work using Unified Modeling Language (UML), and analyze and test source code in both host and target systems to understand why performance is a key design-driver in applications.

Next, you will develop a design strategy to overcome critical and fault-tolerant systems, and learn the importance of documentation in system design.

By the end of this book, you will have sound knowledge and skills for developing real-time embedded systems.

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