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The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit - Septem

The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit
Autor: Viktor Farcic
Tytuł oryginału: The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit
ISBN: 978-17-889-9677-8
stron: 344, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-03-13
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 179,00 zł

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Tagi: Aplikacje biznesowe | Bezpiecze | Inne | Zarz

Learn from an expert on how use self-adapting and self-healing systems within Docker.

Key Features

  • Viktor Farcic shows you all aspects in the creation of self-adapting and self-healing systems in both a practical and hands-on approach.
  • Learn how to choose a successful solution for metrics storage and query, including InfluxDB, Nagios and Sensu, Prometheus and Graphite.
  • Discover how to integrate Docker Flow Monitor with Docker Flow Proxy.
  • How to apply Docker self-healing and self-adaptive to both services and infrastructure.

Book Description

Building on The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit and The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to explore two new programs, self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.

The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit: Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters is the latest book in Viktor Farcic's series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book in the series looks at Docker, the tool designed to make it easier in the creation and running of applications using containers. In this latest entry, Viktor combines theory with a hands-on approach to guide you through the process of creating self-adaptive and self-healing systems.

Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide-range of emerging topics, including what exactly self-adaptive and self-healing systems are, how to choose a solution for metrics storage and query, the creation of cluster-wide alerts and what a successful self-sufficient system blueprint looks like.

Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.

What you will learn

  • Let Viktor Farcic show you all aspects in the creation of self-adapting and self-healing systems in both a practical and hands-on approach.
  • Learn how to choose a successful solution for metrics storage and query, including InfluxDB, Nagios and Sensu, Prometheus and Graphite.
  • Understand how to integrate Docker Flow Monitor with Docker Flow Proxy.
  • The creation of cluster-wide alerts by creating alerts based on metrics.
  • How to apply self-healing and self-adaptive to both services and infrastructure.

Who this book is for

This book is for professionals experienced with Docker looking to create both self-adapting and self-healing systems using the software.

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