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The Genius - Septem

The Genius
Autor: Theodore Dreiser
ISBN: 9788382926750
stron: 954, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2022-08-13
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 11,92 zł (poprzednio: 14,90 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-2,98 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka The Genius

Tagi: Krymina

The hero of the novel is a talented artist Eugene Vitla overcomes a thorny path to his goal of becoming a recognized artist. Experiencing ups and downs, Eugene gives an assessment of the life of a creative person in a capitalist society. Describes the life of the American elite and ordinary workers, whom the hero has to face on the path of life, against the backdrop of difficult family relationships. However, he did not break down after he experienced mental and creative crises.

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Osoby które kupowały "The Genius", wybierały także:

  • Ko
  • Enigma: liczba wszystkich liczb
  • Krwawe
  • Dokumenty z
  • Bia

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