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The House of the Seven Gables - Septem

The House of the Seven Gables
Autor: Nathaniel Hawthorne
ISBN: 9788382002119
stron: 335, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-11-07
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 11,92 zł (poprzednio: 14,90 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-2,98 zł)

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Tagi: Historyczna

In the novel The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the founders of American literature, once again, after a series of short stories and the famous Scarlet Letter, addresses the Puritan past and present of his homeland, New England. Legends and legends from national and family history, animated by the authors fantasy on Gothic themes, add up to the chronicle of the age-old confrontation of two families, which is implicated in greed, perjury and a tribal curse and which can only stop the love of young heroes...

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