The Idea of Catholic University - Septem

ISBN: 9788365806369
stron: 196, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-10-17
Ksi臋garnia: Septem
Cena ksi膮偶ki: 16,00 z艂 (poprzednio: 20,00 z艂)
Oszcz臋dzasz: 20% (-4,00 z艂)
Prof. Rybas book is a study of early years of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), created in 1918, in the year when the reborn Polish Commonwealth was back on the map of Europe after 123 years of the invaders rule. Key actors and events of those early days are shown here against the backdrop of the universal struggle: the fight for the future shape of human culture which, in this case, was directly linked with the struggles for the soul of the Polish nation and the preservation of its culture in 1920s and 30s. This book gives a profound insight into the ideas and mindsets of the founders and early faculty of KUL. Authors considerations are focused on the spirit that lies at the foundations of this university and forms the base of its identity. Arguably, this approach reveals not only a local, Polish and Lublin-based, set of ideas but also speaks volumes of the spirit of Polishness, unveiling a well-established, and enduring way in which Poles (and Polish Catholics in particular) perceive matters of culture, civilization, and their future. Ju偶 100 lat temu w Polsce widziano zagro偶enie pr膮dami modernizmu, ju偶 wtedy stawiano diagnozy o powierzchowno艣ci katolicyzmu w艣r贸d polskiej inteligencji, kt贸ra mia艂a by膰 elit膮 spo艂ecze艅stwa. I to wtedy zapad艂a decyzja o konieczno艣ci wykszta艂cenia polskiej inteligencji katolickiej, kt贸ra da艂aby odp贸r laickim pogl膮dom. Ksi膮dz Idzi Radziszewski, pomys艂odawca i za艂o偶yciel KUL-u, wybitny tomista, kt贸ry sw贸j doktorat napisa艂 po 艂acinie na Uniwersytecie w Louvain, zrealizowa艂 projekt erygowania katolickiej uczelni nie bez przeciwno艣ci, zw艂aszcza finansowych, ale dzi艣 mo偶emy obchodzi膰 100-lecie istnienia tej uczelni, kt贸rej absolwentami jest wiele znacz膮cych osobisto艣ci, Prymas Tysi膮clecia Stefan Wyszy艅ski. Contents Abbreviations Dr. Hab. Przemys艂aw Czarnek, The Voivode of the Lublin Region, A Message to the Reader Prof. Henryk Kiere艣, University as a Masterpiece of Human Culture Introduction Chapter I The Spirit of the Time 1. The Enlightenment 2. The 19th Century: the Church is Faced with a Crisis of Western Culture 3. Newman and Mercier 4. The Heresy of Modernism Chapter II Coming to the Rescue of Catholic Culture 1. Radziszewskis Attitude Towards the Legacy of Positivism a Student of Mercier 2. Catholic University in Poland Chapter III The Role and Impact of the University of Lublin 1. The City of Lublin as a Location the Beginnings 2. The Ideological Climate of the Reborn Poland 3. Independence From the State Chapter IV Secular or Catholic Poland? 1. Studiorum Ducem 2. After the May Coup Battling Materialism 3. Eastern Borderlands 4. The University as a Community Conclusion Bibliography Appendix 1 Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter Aeterni Patris on the Restoration of Christian Philosophy, 1879 (full text) Appendix 2 Card. D茅sir茅Joseph Mercier, Condemnation of Modernism, 1908 (full text) Appendix 3 Fr. Idzi Benedykt Radziszewski, Catholic University in Poland, 1923 (excerpt) Appendix 4 Pope St. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio on the Relationship Between Faith and Reason, 1998 (excerpt) Appendix 5 Card. Stefan Wyszy艅ski, The Primacy of Person over Things, 1976 (excerpt) Index
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