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The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 20052018) - Septem

The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 20052018)
Autor: Dominika Naro
ISBN: 9788365817440
stron: 139, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2022-04-20
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 12,00 zł (poprzednio: 15,00 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-3,00 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 20052018)

Tagi: Inne

The popularity of documentary films in Poland is increasing both in the sphere of production and on the level of emission of this film genre, in audiovisual means of mass communication. The reasons for this state of affairs can be seen in the themes of these works. They reflect the spirit of time, at the same time often touching upon universal problems (i.e. love, evil, etc.). They often touch upon important social issues, overcome stereotypes, look for the causes of a given phenomenon or human behavior. An important factor favoring the production of documentaries is the universality of access to new production technologies. Paraphrasing the words of S. Idziak, today you can make a film with a mobile phone or a tablet. A good example of that is the film Sugar man of 2012, directed by M. Bendjelloul. The growing interest in documentary films in Poland, unfortunately, does not translate into abundance of references on the subject concerning the producer of this film genre. However, due to research interests and the fact that the author of this monograph graduated from the Leon Schiller National Film School in

Dodaj do koszyka The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 20052018)


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Dodaj do koszyka The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 20052018)

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Dodaj do koszyka The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 20052018)

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