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The Rangeland Avenger - Septem

The Rangeland Avenger
Autor: Max Brand
ISBN: 9788381363716
stron: 265, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-12-01
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 11,92 zł (poprzednio: 14,90 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-2,98 zł)

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Tagi: Przygodowa

If you enjoy a fast moving Western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, youll like "The Rangeland Avenger" by Max Brand. When Riley Sinclair heads into the town of Sour Creek to seek vengeance for the death of his brother, he doesnt expect any trouble given his reputation and his skills with a gun. He is not prepared for Cold Feet, however, a man locally known for his abject lack of courage and his non existent fighting skills. A soft spoken but ruthless gunman cuts a path of deadly payback across the Wild West in this exciting adventure. Classic old time Western. Revenge, treatise on what a friend is, gun-play, loyalty, what makes a man a man, twists and turns.

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  • Ucze
  • Szpony diab
  • Cena nie
  • Braterstwo krwi
  • Krew Nowych Bog

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