reklama - zainteresowany?

Three-oh - Septem

Autor: Simon Adamus
ISBN: 978-83-785-3005-3
Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2012-11-15
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 7,68 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Three-oh

Tagi: Fantastyka i science-fiction

John Denton, a veteran of the units of rapid reaction to nanotechnological threat. Once an ace, now a wreck of a man. His only hope is in nanoimplantation which expands the capacities of the body and mind. However, during the procedure things do not go as planned... they go much better! Denton is not a common implant. He is a Three-oh. And he has to run. "Three-oh" is the story of John Denton, a former soldier, now a fugitive augmented with three-oh nano implantation. Kate Everett, an Interpol agent assigned to his case as an outside consultant, is after him. So as military. He has to run, find help and fulfill his destiny... From the first chapter: The suite on the last floor had a gleaming entrance most likely made of halftransparent aluminum. There were no handles or any genetic readers in the wall. The door even lacked an outline. From the other side, however, someone or something was watching him. He felt it vividly. Like you feel the eyes of the wolf wondering whether it has already smelled out your fear. Still, he came nearer and saw his reflection on the polished surface. The implant glowed incandescent from the bundle of information to which he tried to respond but he could not do it, not knowing the question. Welcome, John Denton. Weve been waiting for you. The sign illuminated the metallic surface, which instantly slid to the sides, drowning the hall in dazzling brilliance. Every nanite in his body yearned towards that light and he did not try to contain it. He stepped forward and let himself be engulfed by the brightness. Have as much fun reading the book, as I had writing it. If you would like to contact me, please visit the official Facebook page of "Three-oh" at

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Osoby które kupowały "Three-oh", wybierały także:

  • Verne
  • Sztuka Magii i Miecza
  • Dotyk
  • Gianca
  • Telefon. Opowiadanie z antologii G

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