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Unity 3D Game Development - Septem

Unity 3D Game Development
Autor: Anthony Davis, Travis Baptiste, Russell Craig, Ryan Stunkel
Tytuł oryginału: Unity 3D Game Development
ISBN: 9781801077231
stron: 370, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2022-08-29
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 119,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Unity 3D Game Development

Tagi: C# | Programowanie gier

This book, written by a team of experts at Unity Technologies, follows an informal, demystifying approach to the world of game development.

Within Unity 3D Game Development, you will learn to:

Design and build 3D characters and game environments

Think about the users' interactions with your game

Develop an interface and apply visual effects to add an emotional connection to your world

Gain a solid foundation of sound design, animations, and lighting

Build, test, and add final touches

The book contains expert insights that you'll read before you look into the project on GitHub to understand all the underpinnings. This way, you get to see the end result, and you're allowed to be creative and give your own thoughts to design, as well as work through the process with the new tools we introduce.

Join the book community on Discord to read this book with Unity game developers, and the team of authors. Ask questions, build teams, chat with the authors, participate in events and much more. The link to join is included in the book.

Dodaj do koszyka Unity 3D Game Development


Osoby które kupowały "Unity 3D Game Development", wybierały także:

  • C# 8.0 w pigu
  • C# 6.0 w pigu
  • C# 6.0. Kompletny przewodnik dla praktyk
  • C# 6.0. Leksykon kieszonkowy
  • C#.

Dodaj do koszyka Unity 3D Game Development

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Dodaj do koszyka Unity 3D Game Development

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