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gnuplot Cookbook - Septem

gnuplot Cookbook
Autor: Lee Phillips
Tytuł oryginału: gnuplot Cookbook
ISBN: 9781849517256
stron: 220, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2012-02-24
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 109,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka gnuplot Cookbook

Tagi: Inne

gnuplot is the world's finest technical plotting software, used by scientists, engineers, and others for many years. It is in constant development and runs on practically every operating system, and can produce output in almost any format. The quality of its 3d plots is unmatched and its ability to be incorporated into computer programs and document preparation systems is excellent.

gnuplot Cookbook n it will help you master gnuplot. Start using gnuplot immediately to solve your problems in data analysis and presentation. Quickly find a visual example of the graph you want to make and see a complete, working script for producing it. Learn how to use the new features in gnuplot 4.4. Find clearly explained, working examples of using gnuplot with LaTeX and with your own computer programming language.

You will master all the ins and outs of gnuplot through gnuplot Cookbook.

You will learn to plot basic 2d to complex 3d plots, annotate from simple labels to equations, integrate from simple scripts to full documents and computer progams. You will be taught to annotate graphs with equations and symbols that match the style of the rest of your text, thus creating a seamless, professional document. You will be guided to create a web page with an interactive graph, and add graphical output to your simulation or numerical analysis program.

Start using all of gnuplot's simple to complex features to suit your needs, without studying its 200 page manual through this Cookbook.

Dodaj do koszyka gnuplot Cookbook


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  • Microsoft Azure. Kurs video. Zosta
  • Mikrotik. Kurs video. Przygotowanie do egzaminu MTCRE
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Algorytmy uczenia maszynowego
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Przetwarzanie i analiza danych
  • Power BI Desktop. Kurs video. Wykorzystanie narz

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